can you take benadryl and sleep aid together

Can You Take Benadryl and Sleep Aid Together?

Did you know that the average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep per night to feel well-rested? If you're having trouble reaching that goal, you may be considering sleep aids to help you get a good night's rest.

Sleep aids can help you get the rest you need, but it is important to understand the types of products available and how they might interact with common medications. This article will explore how sleep aids could interact with one of America’s most common OTC medications, Benadryl.

What Are Benadryl and Sleep Aids?

Benadryl is an antihistamine, which means it helps relieve allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and watery eyes. Sleep aids, on the other hand, are medications that are used to treat insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Common pharmaceutical sleep aid medications include Ambien, Lunesta, and Sonata while some common natural sleep aids include valerian root and melatonin. Benadryl is intended to help relieve allergy symptoms that can interfere with sleep, while sleep aid medications are intended to help people fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling rested

Although Benadryl is not actually considered a sleep aid, many people rely on its antihistamine-related sedation properties to help them fall asleep. When Benadryl alone isn’t enough, some may seek extra help in the form of a sleeping pill – or other chemical agent that helps them feel drowsy.

Is It Safe to Take Benadryl and Sleep Aid Together?

woman sleeping

Combining medications can increase the risk of developing adverse effects. Before combining any medications, you should always speak to your healthcare provider to understand the possible risks and benefits.

If you and your healthcare provider decide that taking benadryl with a sleep aid is the best course of action, you should use the lowest effective dose and only take the medications as prescribed. It is also important to monitor yourself for any side effects, and if any occur, you should contact your healthcare provider immediately.

It is particularly important to avoid combining sleep aids with other sedating medications, such as alcohol and benzodiazepines. Combining these medications can lead to serious side effects, including respiratory depression and coma.

Alternatives to Taking Both Medications

Medications to treat insomnia can have undesirable side effects, so lifestyle changes are often recommended before resorting to medication.

These lifestyle changes include avoiding caffeine in the evenings, reducing screen time at least one hour before bedtime and turning off any bright lights that could disrupt your sleep pattern.

Exercising regularly is also important for managing stress levels that might disturb sleep. Another way to sleep more soundly is by using an alternative sleep aid that can help you fall asleep quickly when it's time for bed.

Melatonin, sleep supplements, and herbal remedies are all forms of alternative medicine that people use to try to get a good night's rest. Sleep Stick is an all-natural solution designed for just this purpose—getting a restful night of sleep!

How to Take Benadryl and Sleep Aid Together Safely

bottle of benadryl

If you are considering taking sleep aids, it is important to speak to your doctor or pharmacist about how to safely use both medications. Be sure to explain any medications or supplements you are taking and how they might interact with the sleep aid.

Here’s are some easy safety tips:

  • When taking any type of sleep aid, it is important to follow the instructions on the product label or as directed by your doctor.
  • Be sure to take the medication as prescribed and do not exceed the recommended dosage.
  • If you are taking multiple sleep aids, always double-check with your doctor or pharmacist to make sure you are dosing correctly.

Sleep aids may cause side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, confusion, and impaired coordination so being aware of any potential interactions with other medications or supplements you are taking is important. Always discuss any side effects with your doctor or pharmacist.


What medicine should you not mix with Benadryl?

There are many medicines that experts advise not to mix with benadryl, so it is best to consult with your doctor.

The following types of medicine should be avoided when taking Benadryl:

  • other antihistamines
  • antipsychotic drugs
  • Sedative-hypnotics
  • anticholinergic drugs
  • opioids
  • selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
  • trazodone
  • gabapentin (Neurontin)
  • tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)

Can you take Benadryl and a sleeping pill at the same time?

While it depends on the type of sleeping pill you are taking, it is always advisable to consult your doctor before taking a sleeping pill with Benadryl.

Combining Benadryl and Sleep Aids: Keep it Natural

When it comes to sleep aids, natural options are often the better choice. Natural sleep aids like the Sleep Stick provide the same benefits of pharmaceutical sleep aids, with no negative side effects. This makes them safer and more effective for long-term use.

If you want to continue taking benadryl, but want to supplement with sleep aid, it's best to source a natural option. This helps to reduce the possibility of negative side effects but doesn't rule out the possibility.

Even if you take Benadryl along with a natural sleep aid, there is the possibility of interaction between them. Always consult your doctor before deciding on a natural sleep aid.

Disclaimer: This website's content is solely intended for providing information and SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS MEDICAL ADVICE. It is not meant to replace the opinion, diagnosis, or treatment of a qualified healthcare professional. If you have any questions or concerns about your health, always consult with your physician or other healthcare provider.

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